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SEDA Solar Seminar series - 2 Photo-electric Advancements

11 November 2020

Starts: 17:30
Ends: 19:00

5.30 - 7.00     online

Information and register

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Transition: Bounce Forward - visioning exercise and seedfunding launch

11 November 2020

Starts: 19:00
Ends: 21:00

From the SCCAN October 2020 newsletter

Find out about the 'What If' visioning exercise 7pm-8pm and have your seedfunding questions answered 8pm-9pm on Wednesday 11th November.  Join Transition Network as we introduce the 'What If' components of our Transition: Bounce Forward project in Great Britain.

We'll give a short overview of the Transition: Bounce Forward programme and introduce you to the 'What If' visioning exercise - a tool to help Transitioners develop a way forward for the future of their communities. We'll explain the parameters and answer your questions. 


Keep an eye on the https://transition-bounceforward.org/ website for updates and more detailed information on seed funding and the what if exercise.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.